Keep up to date with all of our regular gatherings & special occasions via Facebook, Instagram or our Monthly Calendar.





Maundy Thursday

Bring some dinner and let’s eat together as we remember what Christ has done for us.

When:  Thursday April 17th

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor SA 5211

Time: 6pm

Maundy Thursday

Easter Sunday

Join us for our Easter Sunday service

When:  Sunday April 20th

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor SA 5211

Time: 10am

Easter Sunday

Glow Youth  &  On Fire Young Adults

Glow Youth for Ages 13 to 18

When &  Where:  Ask one of the Team for details

On Fire Young Adults for Ages 18 to 30ish

When:  Alternate Wednesdays

Where: Contact a Team Member for details

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Bayside Youth Groups


Matt Lansdowne

Matt Lansdowne

When:  15-16 March

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor SA 5211

Time: 6:30pm Sat 15/03 & 10am Sun 16/03

Matt Lansdowne

Christmas on the lawns

Christmas on the lawns

When:  25 December 2024

Where: Warland Reserve, Victor Harbor

Time: 9am

Bring your own chair or picnic rug.

Christmas on the lawns

Hugh Marquis

Join us with Hugh Marquis at Bayside

When:  November 3rd, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, SA

Time: 10am

Hugh Marquis

Family Lunch October 2024

Join us for our Family Lunch!

$7 per person or $30 for a family of 5 or more.

When:  October 27, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 12:30pm after the service

Family Lunch October 2024

Fini De Gersigny

Bayside welcomes back Fini DeGersigny fo a faith-filled weekend in September. come along on Saturday night the 14th, where Fin will share about some truths that he has learnt throughout the years of walking with God. then on Sunday the 15th Fini will join us for our Sunday service for the first time in a couple of years. We look forward to the word Fini has for our house in this season.

When:  September 14th & 15th, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 6:30pm on 14th & 10:00am on 15th

Fini De Gersigny 14 & 15 September 2024

Father's Day 2024

Thanks Dad, Fathers Day 2024 is a day to celebrate our loved ones, and say “thanks” to all the stand-out Dads; who love us and nurture us, but most of all. Thanks to the greatest Dad of all; Father God. so why not come out this Fathers Day and celebrate with us?

When:  September 1, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10am

Father's Day 2024

Family Service

Join us for our Family Service

When:  August 04, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00am

Family Service 04 August 2024

Busy Bugs - Active Kids

Rocking!  Rolling!  Bending!  Balancing!  Climbing!  Crawling!  Jumping!  Driving!  And Ninjas!  Oh my!

When:  May 3, May 17, May 31, Jun14, Jun28

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm during School Terms

Busy Bugs upcoming events

Family Service

Join us for our Family Service

When:  July 21, 2024

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00am

Family Service 21 July 2024

Bayside's Family Lunch & Baptisms

$7 per person, Family of 5 or more $28 total.

When:  Sunday 2nd of June

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: After morning service

Guest Speaker: Noni Potter

Join us with Guest Speaker Noni Potter

When- Sunday 26th May

Where- Bayside Church

Time- 10 am

Easter Sunday Service

Join us for our Easter Sunday Service

When- Sunday 31st March

Where- Bayside Church

Time- 10 am

Busy Bugs - Active Kids

Rocking!  Rolling!  Bending!  Balancing!  Climbing!  Crawling!  Jumping!  Driving!  And Ninjas!  Oh my!

When:  Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 8, Mar 22, Apr 5

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm

Busy Bugs upcoming events

Cup and Garden

Join us for our annual pre-Easter communion service, where will reflect on what Jesus has done and give thanks with a bit of song, a bit of word, and a bit of fellowship to take us into the Easter weekend.

When- Thursday 28th of March

Where- Port Elliot Soldiers Memorial Gardens

Time- 5:30pm till dusk

B.Y.O. Chair or rug and drinking cup

Bayside's Family Lunch

$7 per person, Family of 5 or more $28 total.

When:  Sunday 3rd of March

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: After morning service

Pray Together, Eat Together

Join us for a combined churches prayer time.

When- Sunday 28th of Jan 2024.

Where- Salvation Army


Christmas on the Lawns

Join us for our Christmas on the Lawns service.

When- Monday 25th of December. (Please note no Sunday service on the 24th)

Where- Warland Reserve


Special Notice

Reminder – No Service on Sunday the 24th of December

Kimberley Douglas

Join us for our Special Guest Speaker – Kimberley Douglas.

When- Sunday 19th of November.

Where- Bayside Church


Prayer Gathering at Bayside

Join us for our praying for each other, the community and for the world.

When- Friday mornings fortnightly.

Where- Bayside Church

Time-9.30am till 10.30 am

Father's Day Service

Join us for our Father’s Day service, Cars, Bacon and Egg Sliders and Ice Coffee and then our Worship Service!

When- Sunday 3rd September 2023

Where- Bayside Church

Time-9.00am for Breaky, 10am for service

Our Founding Pastors - Chad and Jaye Mansbridge

We are so excited to have Chad and Jaye back for the first time since they moved interstate. Join us as we, once again, are blessed to hear their insights and wisdom and then stay on for our family lunch !!

When- Sunday 17th September 2023

Where- Bayside Church

Time-10 am


Bayside Barn Dance

Join us for a fun-filled night of live music, dance, food and a bonfire at Bayside’s Barn Dance

When- Saturday 22 July 2023

Where- Lower Inman Valley Hall


Booking are essential via

Special Guest  - Steve Potter

Bayside is blessed to have Steve Potter as our guest speaker.

Steve and Ilona Potter have been dear friends of Bayside for many years.


When- Sunday 21st May 2023

Where- Bayside Church

Time- 10 am

Family Service

Join us for our Sunday Family Service, following by lunch


When- Sunday 30th April 2023

Where- Bayside Church

Time- 10 am

Easter Sunday Service

Join us for our Easter Sunday Service

When- Sunday 9th April

Where- Bayside Church

Time- 10 am

Easter Sunday Sunrise Combined Churches Service

Join us for our Easter Sunday Combined Churches Service with breakfast following.

When- Sunday 9th April

Where- Kent Reserves

Time- 6.30 am

Cup and Garden

Join us for our annual pre-easter communion service, where will reflect on what Jesus has done and give thanks with a bit of song, a bit of word, and a bit of fellowship to take us into the easter weekend.

When- Thursday 6th of April

Where- Port Elliot Memorial Gardens

Time- 6pm till dusk

B.Y.O. Chair or rug and drinking cup

Bayside's Family Lunch

$7 = Burrito Bowl and Drink, $5 = Sausage and Drink

Family of 5 or more $28 total.

When: This Sunday 4th of December

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: After Church


Join us for Bayside’s Christmas morning service.

When: 25th December 2022

Where: Warland Reserve, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 09:00 AM


No service at Bayside 1st of January – See you the following week !

Family Fun Night - Church Together 2023

Games, Music, Motivation, Community Family Fun. Presented by the churches of Victor Harbor in partnership with Scripture Union Australia.

When: Sunday 22nd of January

Where: Warland Reserve, Victor Harbor

Time: 6pm

Special Event - Bayside's Birthday Bonanza 

Bayside is turning 20 and we are really going to celebrate !!

Join us here at Bayside Church for a great afternoon of Fun, Food, Memories and Music!

When: 18th September 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 05:00 PM

Special Guests - Rob Rufus and Tony Ide

Bayside is blessed to have both Rob Rufus preaching on the 18th of September and Tony Ide preaching on the 25th of September.

Join us here at Bayside Church for two Great mornings of the Word and His presence.

When: Sunday 18th and 25th September 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00 AM

You can handle the pulpit !

Chad is running a 2 session study on preaching and hosting a meeting.

When: Wednesday July 6th and 13th

Where: 10 Commerce Cresent Victor Harbor

What time: 6.30pm

Fini and Isi 2022

Sunday the 5th of June we have long-time friends of the house coming to share what God has put on their hearts in 20in22 in our season of “Moving Forward” this will be a Sunday not to be missed in the life of our church.

When: Sunday June 5th

Where: 10 Commerce Cresent Victor Harbor

What time:  10 AM service

Mother's Day Service

Join us for our Mother’s Day service 8th of May at 10 am at Bayside Church

Cup and Garden

Join us for our annual pre-easter communion service, where will reflect on what Jesus has done and give thanks with a bit of song, a bit of word, and a bit of fellowship to take us into the easter weekend.


When- Thursday 14th of April

Where- Port Elliot Memorial Gardens

Time- 5pm till dusk

B.Y.O. Chair or rug

Bayside's Birthday Celebrations - 20 in 2022

This year is Bayside’s 20th year, join us along the journey as we celebrate all the GREAT things GOD has done in the life of our Church.

You can join in on the festivities by visiting us at 10 Commerce crescent Victor Harbor on any given Sunday at 10AM, who knows? it might be one of our random celebrational Sundays throughout the year. Alternatively join us on the ever-evolving website going down memory lane and explaining “who we are” and our journey thus far. here is to another 20 Years of God’s House.

Special Guests- Nick Resce

Join us here at Bayside Church for a pivotal morning where we hear a word for our Church and what God is doing over this year with Nick Resce.

When: Sunday 20th February 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00 AM

Bible Course: "You Can Handle the Truth"

Sometimes navigating the Bible can seem tricky, but, it doesn’t have to. ‘You Can Handle the Truth‘ is a course designed to teach and equip YOU to correctly interpret the bible in all its context. Kicking off at Bayside Church from February 16 2022:  ‘You Can Handle The Truth‘ is a small group course.

What: ‘You Can Handle The Truth’ Course

When: February 16th – April 13th 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 7:30 PM

Cost: $35.00

Join: Sign up here


Bayside Church Presents

Special Guests- Barry and Vanessa Chant

Join us here at Bayside Church for a Great morning where we get to dive into the word with Dr Barry Chant.

When: Sunday 16th January 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00 AM

Bayside Church Presents

Join us for Christmas on the Lawns 2021

Join us at Warland Reserve for a special outdoor Christmas Service.

When: 9am Sunday December 25th

Where: Warland Reserve (opposite Hotel Victor), Flinders Parade, Victor Harbor

What: BYO Seating

Notice: Cafe Closure until mid-January 2022

Due to current government strictures here in South Australia, Bayside’s Cafe/Kitchen will be closed for our Sunday Morning Services until mid-January. As much as we love hospitality and chats over a post-service drink, we also acknowledge that our God is not Father, Son and Holy Coffee! Our core business is to worship our Lord and love His people … and this we will continue to do with great joy over this summer season.

Bayside Church Presents

Special Guests- Paul & Tracy Tothill

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guests – Paul & Tracy Tothill.

When: 10am Sunday December 5th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3 years to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Special Guest- Sean W Smith

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Sean W Smith.

Sean specialises in powerfully connecting with children and adults to help build identity and teach key Biblical strategies to empower families to live in God’s best.

When: 10am Sunday October 31st (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3 years to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Family Fun Carnival

You are invited to have an afternoon of carnival fun at our FAMILY FUN CARNIVAL, including games, food and even a jumpy castle! The fun won’t stop there, because the carnival will be followed by some food and a concert with Sean W Smith.

Sean W Smith is one of the most successful Christian Kids Worship Artists today. He has produced 7 Top Selling Christian kids CD/DVDs which are played by 1000’s of schools, churches & families all over the world. His high energy, captivating songs have delighted families for more than 9 years! Come along and jump dance and sing to Sean’s songs with a great message.

To get tickets and register, scan the QR code or click here:

When: 4pm Sunday October 31st

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Carnival, Dinner, Concert

Cost: $7 peer person or $35 for a Family of 5+

Bayside Church Celebrates

Our 19th Birthday

When: 10am Father’s Day Sunday, September 5th

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: A Sunday you don’t want to miss – the first weekend of Spring, Father’s Day and Bayside’s 19th Birthday all rolled into one!

As usual, we’ll be celebrating our dads as well as dedicating some babies, PLUS we have a few birthday surprises in store, including a first-time preach from one of our founding members, a snag for the dads, a few Spring-Clean facility improvements we’re sure you’re going to love, as well as free coffees for all as our birthday gift to you.

All welcome!

Bayside Church : July 25th Service Update

All Welcome

This Sunday there will be no in-house service, however please join us for our Live Stream service here on our Bayside page, tune in and sing from your home, with us in worship followed by a word in season for you, your family, and our region.

When: 10am Sunday

Where: Bayside Church International Facebook page

Bayside Church

Special Guests Marty Manuel

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Marty Manuel!

When: 10am Sunday July 18th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church

Special Guests Ilona Potter

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Ilona Potter!

Intro: Ilona is a Professional Counselor and Author.

When: 10am Sunday June 20th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church

Special Guests Fini & Isi De Gersigny

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speakers – Fini & Isi De Gersigny!

When: 10am Sunday May 2nd (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents "Hearing God Everyday" - Saturday 1 May

with Special Guests Fini & Isi De Gersigny

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Saturday Service with our guest speakers – Fini & Isi De Gersigny!

When: Saturday 1 May at 6:30pm.

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: “Hearing God Everyday”
Prophetic power-couple, Fini & Isi De Gersigny equip believers to be sensitive to the Voice of God “everyday”.

Bayside Church Easter Sunday

Cloth and Stone

Join us at Bayside Church for our Easter Sunday Service as we celebrate the life-giving power of Jesus’ resurrection life!

When: 10am Sunday April 4th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Cup and Garden

Join us for a time of reflection and communion as we re-trace the steps and ponder on the thoughts of Jesus in Gethsemane.

6PM Easter Thursday 1st April

Where: Soldiers Memorial Gardens
Port Elliot

What: BYO Drinking Glass and Seating

Bayside is hosting a Hillsong Colour Conference Party!

REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE NOW as Bayside plays host to the 2021 Online Hillsong Colour Conference – be Found in the Kiss – March, 19–20th.

All you need to do is:

1. REGISTER AND PAY for online access to the conference direct with the Hillsong link here.

2. Set aside these times in your diary: Friday 19th March (7.00–9.30pm), and Saturday 20th March (9.00am–4.00pm).

3. Register your attendance at Bayside Church, so we know you’re coming. Simply fill out this link.

4. Spread the word!

About Colour:

For over 25 years, Colour has gathered leaders and everyday women to an environment that champions “the spirit of womanhood” in an open, honest and trustworthy way.

2021 marks our 25th year of a Whisper that has brought freedom and hope to thousands of women around the world.

BusyBugs is back for 2021

When: Fridays 9am & 10:15am

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

Cost: $5 per family up to 3 preschoolers.

What: Busy Bugs offers a safe environment for active, structured play on gymnasium-style equipment, and encourages parents to connect and form friendships with other families in the Fleurieu.

Summer Break — No Service Sunday 27th December

After a very full 2020, we have called a ‘Summer Break’ for all our hard-working staff, ministry teams and volunteers in the time between Christmas and the New Year. This means there will be no Sunday Service on December 27th. We will resume our weekly gatherings in January. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for further updates.


In response to our state government direction and renewed 4sqm density restrictions we are happy to offer our community DOUBLE FOR YOUR TROUBLE for the last 2 Sundays in November (Nov. 22 & 29)!

Bayside will be holding 2 back-to-back Sunday Morning Services: a 9.30am and an 11.00am. Our SuperKids program will operate as part of the earlier service for 3yrs to grade 6 children, so we ask that households who DO NOT have kids in this bracket please prioritise the later service option if possible.

To assist with our crowd control, we also ask that you please arrive 5–15mins prior to service start. Note: our cafe will not be operating before services over this period. All welcome! Come, be part of this exciting new venture.

‘After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and doubled his previous possessions’ (Job 42:10).

Love & Respect Marriage Course

Registrations are now open here.

The course will be held at Bayside Church from 7pm on Tuesday evenings for men (March 10, 17 and 24) and Wednesday evenings for ladies (March 11, 18 and 25), concluding with an all-in Saturday morning on March 28, from 9am till lunch.

Registration includes access to a printable PDF workbook. Please direct all enquiries to our Family Life Pastor:

Steve & Ilona Potter

Sunday March 15th 2020

Join us for Christmas on the Lawns 2019

When: December 25th 2019 : 9:00 AM

Super Light Party 2019

When: October 31, 2019 : 3:30 – 7:15 PM

Arthur & Cathy Meintjes

When: Sunday 27th October : 10 AM

Our Father's Day

When: Sunday 1st September 2019

  • Baby Dedications
  • Water Baptisms

A weekend with Fini & Isi De Gersigny

When: August 2019

  • Saturday 3rd August : 9:30AM – 2:00PM
    Prophetic Activation Seminar
  • Sunday 4th August : 10:00AM
    Sunday Service

21-Day fast from April 28 - May 18

On this special recording Chad delivers a church-wide call to participate in a 21-Day fast from April 28 – May 18. In this brief teaching, Chad explains some Bible-basics to “Prayer and Fasting” as well as some practical ways to pray over this time. Link to listen is here.

Join us at Bayside for Christmas Season 2018. Share four great events in December 2018.


Fini and Isi 2022

Sunday the 5th of June we have long-time friends of the house coming to share what God has put on their hearts in 20in22 in our season of “Moving Forward” this will be a Sunday not to be missed in the life of our church.

When: Sunday June 5th

Where: 10 Commerce Cresent Victor Harbor

What 10 AM service

Mother's Day Service

Join us for our Mother’s Day service 8th of May at 10 am at Bayside Church

Cup and Garden

Join us for our annual pre-easter communion service, where will reflect on what Jesus has done and give thanks with a bit of song, a bit of word, and a bit of fellowship to take us into the easter weekend.


When- Thursday 14th of April

Where- Port Elliot Memorial Gardens

Time- 5pm till dusk

B.Y.O. Chair or rug

Bayside's Birthday Celebrations - 20 in 2022

This year is Bayside’s 20th year, join us along the journey as we celebrate all the GREAT things GOD has done in the life of our Church.

You can join in on the festivities by visiting us at 10 Commerce crescent Victor Harbor on any given Sunday at 10AM, who knows? it might be one of our random celebrational Sundays throughout the year. Alternatively join us on the ever-evolving website going down memory lane and explaining “who we are” and our journey thus far. here is to another 20 Years of God’s House.

Special Guests- Nick Resce

Join us here at Bayside Church for a pivotal morning where we hear a word for our Church and what God is doing over this year with Nick Resce.

When: Sunday 20th February 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00 AM

Bible Course: "You Can Handle the Truth"

Sometimes navigating the Bible can seem tricky, but, it doesn’t have to. ‘You Can Handle the Truth‘ is a course designed to teach and equip YOU to correctly interpret the bible in all its context. Kicking off at Bayside Church from February 16 2022:  ‘You Can Handle The Truth‘ is a small group course.

What: ‘You Can Handle The Truth’ Course

When: February 16th – April 13th 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 7:30 PM

Cost: $35.00

Join: Sign up here


Bayside Church Presents

Special Guests- Barry and Vanessa Chant

Join us here at Bayside Church for a Great morning where we get to dive into the word with Dr Barry Chant.

When: Sunday 16th January 2022

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor, South Australia

Time: 10:00 AM

Bayside Church Presents

Join us for Christmas on the Lawns 2021

Join us at Warland Reserve for a special outdoor Christmas Service.

When: 9am Sunday December 25th

Where: Warland Reserve (opposite Hotel Victor), Flinders Parade, Victor Harbor

What: BYO Seating

Notice: Cafe Closure until mid-January 2022

Due to current government strictures here in South Australia, Bayside’s Cafe/Kitchen will be closed for our Sunday Morning Services until mid-January. As much as we love hospitality and chats over a post-service drink, we also acknowledge that our God is not Father, Son and Holy Coffee! Our core business is to worship our Lord and love His people … and this we will continue to do with great joy over this summer season.

Bayside Church Presents

Special Guests- Paul & Tracy Tothill

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guests – Paul & Tracy Tothill.

When: 10am Sunday December 5th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3 years to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Special Guest- Sean W Smith

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Sean W Smith.

Sean specialises in powerfully connecting with children and adults to help build identity and teach key Biblical strategies to empower families to live in God’s best.

When: 10am Sunday October 31st (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3 years to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Family Fun Carnival

You are invited to have an afternoon of carnival fun at our FAMILY FUN CARNIVAL, including games, food and even a jumpy castle! The fun won’t stop there, because the carnival will be followed by some food and a concert with Sean W Smith.

Sean W Smith is one of the most successful Christian Kids Worship Artists today. He has produced 7 Top Selling Christian kids CD/DVDs which are played by 1000’s of schools, churches & families all over the world. His high energy, captivating songs have delighted families for more than 9 years! Come along and jump dance and sing to Sean’s songs with a great message.

To get tickets and register, scan the QR code or click here:

When: 4pm Sunday October 31st

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: Includes Carnival, Dinner, Concert

Cost: $7 peer person or $35 for a Family of 5+

Bayside Church Celebrates

Our 19th Birthday

When: 10am Father’s Day Sunday, September 5th

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor

What: A Sunday you don’t want to miss – the first weekend of Spring, Father’s Day and Bayside’s 19th Birthday all rolled into one!

As usual, we’ll be celebrating our dads as well as dedicating some babies, PLUS we have a few birthday surprises in store, including a first-time preach from one of our founding members, a snag for the dads, a few Spring-Clean facility improvements we’re sure you’re going to love, as well as free coffees for all as our birthday gift to you.

All welcome!

Bayside Church : July 25th Service Update

All Welcome

This Sunday there will be no in-house service, however please join us for our Live Stream service here on our Bayside page, tune in and sing from your home, with us in worship followed by a word in season for you, your family, and our region.

When: 10am Sunday

Where: Bayside Church International Facebook page

Bayside Church

Special Guests Marty Manuel

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Marty Manuel!

When: 10am Sunday July 18th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church

Special Guests Ilona Potter

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speaker – Ilona Potter!

Intro: Ilona is a Professional Counselor and Author.

When: 10am Sunday June 20th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church

Special Guests Fini & Isi De Gersigny

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Sunday Service with our guest speakers – Fini & Isi De Gersigny!

When: 10am Sunday May 2nd (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents "Hearing God Everyday" - Saturday 1 May

with Special Guests Fini & Isi De Gersigny

Join us at Bayside Church for a special Saturday Service with our guest speakers – Fini & Isi De Gersigny!

When: Saturday 1 May at 6:30pm.

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: “Hearing God Everyday”
Prophetic power-couple, Fini & Isi De Gersigny equip believers to be sensitive to the Voice of God “everyday”.

Bayside Church Easter Sunday

Cloth and Stone

Join us at Bayside Church for our Easter Sunday Service as we celebrate the life-giving power of Jesus’ resurrection life!

When: 10am Sunday April 4th (café open from 9.40am)

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

What: Includes Superkids Program for 3yrs to Grade 6

Bayside Church Presents

Cup and Garden

Join us for a time of reflection and communion as we re-trace the steps and ponder on the thoughts of Jesus in Gethsemane.

6PM Easter Thursday 1st April

Where: Soldiers Memorial Gardens
Port Elliot

What: BYO Drinking Glass and Seating

Bayside is hosting a Hillsong Colour Conference Party!

REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE NOW as Bayside plays host to the 2021 Online Hillsong Colour Conference – be Found in the Kiss – March, 19–20th.

All you need to do is:

1. REGISTER AND PAY for online access to the conference direct with the Hillsong link here.

2. Set aside these times in your diary: Friday 19th March (7.00–9.30pm), and Saturday 20th March (9.00am–4.00pm).

3. Register your attendance at Bayside Church, so we know you’re coming. Simply fill out this link.

4. Spread the word!

About Colour:

For over 25 years, Colour has gathered leaders and everyday women to an environment that champions “the spirit of womanhood” in an open, honest and trustworthy way.

2021 marks our 25th year of a Whisper that has brought freedom and hope to thousands of women around the world.

BusyBugs is back for 2021

When: Fridays 9am & 10:15am

Where: 10 Commerce Crescent Victor Harbor.

Cost: $5 per family up to 3 preschoolers.

What: Busy Bugs offers a safe environment for active, structured play on gymnasium-style equipment, and encourages parents to connect and form friendships with other families in the Fleurieu.

Summer Break — No Service Sunday 27th December

After a very full 2020, we have called a ‘Summer Break’ for all our hard-working staff, ministry teams and volunteers in the time between Christmas and the New Year. This means there will be no Sunday Service on December 27th. We will resume our weekly gatherings in January. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for further updates.


In response to our state government direction and renewed 4sqm density restrictions we are happy to offer our community DOUBLE FOR YOUR TROUBLE for the last 2 Sundays in November (Nov. 22 & 29)!

Bayside will be holding 2 back-to-back Sunday Morning Services: a 9.30am and an 11.00am. Our SuperKids program will operate as part of the earlier service for 3yrs to grade 6 children, so we ask that households who DO NOT have kids in this bracket please prioritise the later service option if possible.

To assist with our crowd control, we also ask that you please arrive 5–15mins prior to service start. Note: our cafe will not be operating before services over this period. All welcome! Come, be part of this exciting new venture.

‘After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and doubled his previous possessions’ (Job 42:10).

Love & Respect Marriage Course

Registrations are now open here.

The course will be held at Bayside Church from 7pm on Tuesday evenings for men (March 10, 17 and 24) and Wednesday evenings for ladies (March 11, 18 and 25), concluding with an all-in Saturday morning on March 28, from 9am till lunch.

Registration includes access to a printable PDF workbook. Please direct all enquiries to our Family Life Pastor:

Steve & Ilona Potter

Sunday March 15th 2020

Join us for Christmas on the Lawns 2019

When: December 25th 2019 : 9:00 AM

Super Light Party 2019

When: October 31, 2019 : 3:30 – 7:15 PM

Arthur & Cathy Meintjes

When: Sunday 27th October : 10 AM

Our Father's Day

When: Sunday 1st September 2019

  • Baby Dedications
  • Water Baptisms

A weekend with Fini & Isi De Gersigny

When: August 2019

  • Saturday 3rd August : 9:30AM – 2:00PM
    Prophetic Activation Seminar
  • Sunday 4th August : 10:00AM
    Sunday Service

21-Day fast from April 28 - May 18

On this special recording Chad delivers a church-wide call to participate in a 21-Day fast from April 28 – May 18. In this brief teaching, Chad explains some Bible-basics to “Prayer and Fasting” as well as some practical ways to pray over this time. Link to listen is here.

Join us at Bayside for Christmas Season 2018. Share four great events in December 2018.


Sundays at 10am

10 Commerce Crescent, Victor Harbor