New Covenant Impartation
By Rob Rufus
Rob discusses Biblical impartation and the transfer of spiritual power in our relationship with the Almighty, enabling us to live with Christ and to grow the Kingdom.
Key Scriptures: Ephesians 4:11, Romans 5, 7:40, 10:9, 1 Samuel 22:2, Matthew 10:40, Leviticus 17:11-14, 1 Peter 18-19, Luke 1:26-35, Hebrews 9:10-22
By Rob Rufus
Join us as Rob speaks about impartation of gifts from the Holy Spirit.
Key Scriptures: John 14:12, Acts 10:38, Hebrews 6:12
Winter Warmers 2023: Permanent Consciousness of Weakeness
by Rob Rufus. Rob talks about how the Father wants us to rest in His strength and not our own. To have the constant revelation that in our weakness, His strength prevails to see the Holy Spirit and the supernatural abound in our lives. Key Scriptures. 2 Cor 12.9, Ephes 6.10, Heb 10.28
20in22: Demolishing Disparity
by Rob Rufus: One of the first Apostolic voices to grace our pulpit in the early days of Bayside, Rob brings a word that encourages Bayside and the Church as a whole. Here Rob delicately unfolds that Disparity is the incongruous contradiction between the promises of God’s word and the actual results Christianity is experiencing. In order to close the gap, we need to recognize what has caused disparity and remove it. Rob unfolds 5 points in this message with the following scriptures. Read Jn14:11&12 and Eph 3:20
An Apostolic Culture
with special guest, Rob Rufus. Originally presented back in June 2014, this mid-week podcast is the fourteenth in a special 18-week series of ‘Ministry Memories’ in honour of Bayside’s 18th Birthday Celebrations
A Consciousness for the Miraculous
by Rob Rufus. As our first international guest speaker for 2020, Rob Rufus delivers a powerful word from turbulent Hong Kong just for Bayside Church. This message was part of our Pentecost Sunday celebrations and serves also as a prelude for our Winter Preaching Series on the book of Philippians. For more on Rob visit:
Faith and Righteousness
by Rob Rufus. Long-time friends of the house, Rob & Glenda Rufus are based in Hong Kong and travel the world extensively with an apostolic mandate to declare and demonstrate the Glorious Gospel of Grace. See more at