7 Signs: Giving & Government

by Chad Mansbridge. In Part Two of this mini-series on Signs of a Healthy Church, we witness how the Christians in Antioch generously respond to a prophetic word and send financial aid to their brothers in Judea and surrounds; this they do, also, by recognising the governing structure of that Church community.

7 Signs: Growth & Gathering

by Chad Mansbridge. In Part One of this mini-series, Chad introduces us to the Church in Antioch (per Acts 11-16), encouraging us to draw inspiration from its powerful example of a church characterised by Growth and a commitment to Gathering together as a holy ekklesia.

A Glorious Canvas: We're All in this Together

by Jaye Mansbridge. Part Three of a series based on her new book, “A Glorious Canvas”. Here, Jaye speaks of the promises that God has planned for each of our lives and how it is important we work together to allow God’s glory to be revealed.

Transforming a Life

by Daniel Barnard. In this one of passionate preach; see South African preachers Dan & Sam Barnard share at Bayside Church on their first visit to Australia

The Story of Three Covenants

by Chad Mansbridge. In honour of its’ 9th anniversary this week, Chad revisits this powerful teaching on the 3 Major Covenants of the Bible which formed the basis of his first book “He Qualifies You!”. A message for which Bayside is now known globally, whether you’ve heard it before or are new to our church family, you’ll love this vital teaching!

A Glorious Canvas: Staying lit

by Jaye Mansbridge. Part Two of a series based on her new book, "A Glorious Canvas”. Here, Jaye expands on the story of Noah and the covenant relationship established with the image of the rainbow. She focuses most of this message on encouraging us to 'stay in the light' so God's glorious colours may shine through us.

A Glorious Canvas: Lessons from Noah

by Jaye Mansbridge. Part One of a series based on her new book, "A Glorious Canvas”. Here, Jaye walks us through the story of Noah and the role he played in partnering with God to see new order restored; a beautiful prophetic picture of the greater role Jesus plays in partnering with us to see Kingdom culture restored here on earth.

First things First: The Privilege of Partnership

by Chad Mansbridge. In the final instalment of our summer mini-series “First Things First”, Chad walks us through the entire chapter of 2 Peter 1, encouraging us to see Partnership with God as both a privilege and priority in our lives, and to grow in our walk with Him by committing ourselves to the revelation given by the Spirit, the Saints and the Scriptures.!

First things First: The Preciousness of People

by Erin James. Erin shares very openly about understanding your own value, as a means to understand everyone else's value. Jesus died for all people, and all people are precious to him. She challenges us to see others with that same value!

First things First: Guarding your Heart

by Malcolm Munro. Malcolm looks at matters of the heart, how to keep an open and soft heart to the Lord. He looks at some of the hindrances that can be a challenge and some of the wonderful promises that Lord has for us all!

First things First: Something worth seeking

by Rachel Donaldson. Rachel talks about the importance of seeking first the Kingdom, and how the Kingdom is something worth seeking.
When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and continue to seek him first in everything we do, all our needs will be met because God loves to take care of his children.
We don't need to worry because all of heavens resources are at our disposal when we put God first in our lives.

First things First: First Things First

by Chad Mansbridge. As we approach a New Year, Chad encourages us to put “First Things First”; to re-evaluate and re-align our priorities with those of Heaven. In this introductory message to our summer mini-series, discover four things the Bible says we should place ‘above all’.

The Giver of Life was Born in the Night

by Rob Moores. In this one off preach Rob Moores shows us that everyone matters to God & that everyone can be used by God. Because of Jesus we have power to handle life well, Jesus the light of the world pushes back darkness in our lives and helps us live glory filled lives!


by Jake Donaldson. Following on from the Awakening Australia weekend, Jake puts out a call to our congregation to be fearlessly bold and pursue God without reserve. The Great Commission commands us to “Go!”, and Jesus has not called us to stop!

The 7 Places from which Jesus Bled

by Chad Mansbridge. In this powerful communion message, Chad Mansbridge walks us through the story of Christ’s Passion and highlights the 7 places from which Jesus bled for us. The Father seeks the hurting, Jesus makes us whole, and the Spirit makes us helpful!

Glory Stories

by Fini deGersigny. Together with his wife Isi, long-time friend of the house Fini deGersigny leads Jubilee Church in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Be inspired by tales of God’s glory and grace as Fin opens his life and heart to us in this timely message.

Keeping Your sanity in insane situations

by Maureen Moores. In this one of sermon, Maureen draws upon the mighty power of the Lord to make peace in your life when times are hard. Drawing upon Elijah's story in 1Kings 17 of the never-ending four & oil jar, Maureen shows us how the Lord is our resource and we must rely on him.

An Interview with Dr Ray

by Dr Ray Andrews. In this heart felt and inspiring interview, listen as counsellor and temperament therapist Dr Ray Andrews, of New Life Ministries from Coffs Harbor, draws on lessons from his life and ministry to point us towards Jesus. For more on Dr Ray visit NEWlife worldwide ministries.

House of Worship: Passion for Worship

by Alex Perry & Daniel Todd. In this final instalment of our ‘House of Worship’ Series, two members of Bayside’s Worship Team share with us their passion for worshipping God. A message both for the heart, and from the heart… the perfect way to cap off this 2018 Spring Series.

House of Worship: Praise in the prison

by Rachel Donaldson. As part of the House of Worship series Rachel shares on choosing to worship God despite our current circumstances. She shares from Acts 16:23-40 where Paul and Silas made a deliberate conscious effort to Praise God after being beaten and thrown into prison. Rachael shows how making the choice to worship in the midst of hard times changes the power of a circumstance in a positive and uplifting way.

House of Worship: Open Heaven Open Heart

by Rob Moores. In his message Rob uses Mark 1 to show how Jesus' baptism is an act of worship, and through this Heaven opens and remains accessible to us ever since! Through worship we can continue to access God's open heaven with an open heart.

House of Worship: Praise is a strengthener to our Faith

by Tony Ide. In his message Tony teaches on the great power of worship, how it protects us from complaining and draws us near to God. By walking in the new nature of Jesus we receive a garment of praise, which will strengthen our faith!

House of Worship: This is an Awesome Place

by Chad Mansbridge. In part one of our ‘House of Worship’ series for Spring 2018, Chad Mansbridge takes us back to Bethel, and the first mention of God’s House in the Scripture. Discover four key characteristics of the church that seeks to be His House of Worship on the earth!

Believe: the Father in Matthew 5-7

by Chad Mansbridge. In this special and very simple Father’s Day message, Chad Mansbridge closes off our Believe mini-series by helping us find the Father in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Christ came to both reveal and reconcile us to a Father who is secure, attentive and responsive to His kids!

Believe: my Fathers Business

by Chad Mansbridge. In this annual “Family Business” feedback morning, Chad Mansbridge shares some practical updates concerning the financial health of Bayside Church, woven in to a powerful teaching on Christ at the Temple. Discover what it is to be sons in God’s House, with a passion for the Father’s business.

Believe: the Holy Spirit

Description: Here in part 2 of our “Believe” mini-series, Rob Moores introduces us to the Person and work of Holy Spirit. Invisible to the natural eye, yet undeniably powerful in His workings through the lives of believers.

Act: Dare to begin!

Description: Rachel talks about stepping into the promises of God through the book of Joshua by letting go of the past, embracing now and keeping our eyes on the promise when facing our fears.

Dan Hagen’s Testimony

Description: Be inspired by the incredible testimony of special guest Daniel Hagen from Fire Church in Melbourne, and witness the “Synchronicity of Heaven” work it’s wonders in the life of the former drug addict, professional musician and son of a praying parent.

Act: Prophetic Strategies

Description: In this very personal and passionate message, Jaye takes us on a journey exploring how God speaks and expresses His will for our lives. She then encourages to “act” on His Word by implementing strategic plans for our prophetic promises.

Act: #whatever

Description: in this playful yet powerful message, Chad opens our ‘Act’ mini-series encouraging us to give ourselves to activity that brings glory to Christ; and that “whatever” we do, we should carry it out with Passion, Thoughtfulness and Effort.

Speak: Don't be happy with your seed, Grow your tree.

Description: In this third and final part of our speak series, using The story of man with the epileptic son (Matt 17-14), Jake shows that we need to 'bring' Jesus rather than relying on our own strength. He reveals to us the secret to be able to 'grow our faith' from a mustard seed into a tree.

Speaking without thinking (tongues)

Description: In this second instalment of our 'Speak' mini-series, Chad takes us through the 'Big Five' questions on the subject of Speaking in Tongues; What? Why? Who? When? & How? We are certain you'll be both informed and inspired by this weeks teaching.

Speak: Interesting Exciting and Practical

Description: Lianne gives first-hand examples of the interesting ways God speaks to us by sharing testimony of her brother-in-law’s healing. An exciting discovery is revealed in Hebrews 4:14-16 as to God’s “grace to help” and how we can access this support to keep moving forwards during rough times.

Listening Lessons from Elijah

Description: in this final instalment of our “Listen” mini-series, Chad takes us through the stories of Elijah in 1 Kings 18-19; including his calling down of fire, prayers for rain, and encounter with God on Mt Horeb. God uses different means and mechanisms by which to speak to us, and it’s important we are aware and attentive to this variety.

Listen, Do as you are told

Description: Robs message tells of God constantly speaking to us inviting us to listen. Using visions (Acts 10:9-17) or storms (1 Kings 19: 9-15) God reaches out to us. Rob challenges us to listen, to dwell in the spirit and most importantly to follow Gods plan for us by doing as we are told!

Listen, Leaning & Letting Loose!

Description: When discussing the importance of listening to God, Mal looks at the question “What was the last thing God said to you, and what have you done with that?” He touches on the areas of Listening to God, Leaning on His understanding and Letting Loose the vision He has spoken to each of us.

Acts 2: Pentecost Today

Description: Pentecost marks the completion of seven weeks (ie the ‘fiftieth’ day) from the celebration of Passover, and therefore the commemoration of Christ’s crucifixion. As Chad walks us through the second chapter of Acts, learn about the historical significance of Pentecost to the early church; and be inspired to take hold of the Person, Promise and Power of Pentecost for us today!

A Mothers Heart of God

Notes: Starting with an intricate story of a lost boy, Jaye uses Gods parable of the prodigal son to illustrate our position in Gods family. From Jesus' words in Luke 15 Jaye shows us how God wants to interrupt our life, and how we as His believers carry His authority. Jaye challenges us to invade earthly culture and to build Gods Heavenly culture here on Earth!

Limiting a Limitless God

Notes: In this one off service, Erin James gives a moving and heartfelt message on the limits we place on God. Erin explains through John 14:8-14 and supporting scriptures, the way in which we limit God, and secondly the way we limit ourselves through Him. The message challenges us to shift our perspective and change everything without changing anything, because an limitless God, takes limited people and makes them unlimited!

Get out of jail

Description: In this message Rob Moores speaks about forgiveness and how failure to let go of hurt can put us in a prison of pain and torment. Forgiveness is our 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card that releases us from our own self imposed prison. Rob talks through six key points that ensure we have forgiven totally, releasing both ourselves and those we hold a grudge against from the prison that is unforgiveness.

Vision Revealed: But Now I See

Description: in this final installment of our Revealed Series, Chad Mansbridge walks us through John Chapter 9, and the healing of the Man Born Blind. Discover the cultural significance of this sign and why it was unique to every other blind-healing Jesus performed. Also, see how those in positions of political-power oftentimes react when confronted with simple facts that contradict their established ideological beliefs!

Truth Revealed: Healing at Bethesda

Description: In this message Jake Donaldson speaks around John 5 and the healing of the sick man at the pool of Bethesda. He reveals how Gods truth can sometimes overcome what we think is true in certain situations. Sometimes God will expose a lie so that He can then reveal His wonderful truth to us!

Resurrection Revealed: Raising of Lazarus

Description: In this special Easter Sunday message Chad Mansbridge examines the last of Jesus’ 7 Signs in the Book of John; the raising of his dear friend, Lazarus. Learn about the man who became one of Jerusalem’s most effective evangelists, the uniqueness of Christs’ own resurrection from death, and what this all means for us today as resurrected believers in Him!

Victory Revealed: Walking on the Storm

Description: In this message Jaye Mansbridge examines yet another of Jesus’ 7 signs in the Gospel of John; walking on the stormy waters (John 6v16-21). Reassuring us with the reality that sometimes “storms happen” (#stormshappen), Jaye draws on the added perspectives of both Matthew and Mark, and encourages us to follow Peter’s example, in being the one who steps out of the boat to be with Jesus… despite the raging seas around us!

Provision Revealed: Feeding the Multitude

Description/ notes. In this message Rachel Donaldson opens up with John 6v1-14, the miracle where Jesus feeds the 5000 and reveals Himself to be our Provider, our Source of Eternal Life and the one who Empowers us to work together with Him in His great distribution plan. Be encouraged in the knowledge that Jesus not only wants to provide for you, but also provide through you, bringing hope and healing to the hungry multitudes!

Power Revealed: Saved from Death

Description/Notes. In this message Rob Moores opens up the second of Jesus’ miraculous signs in the Gospel of John; the healing of the royal official's son (John 4v43-54). This story draws our attention to God’s healing power, and the importance of partnering with Him with faith-filled response!

The Heart of the Issue

Description/Notes: Together with her husband Rob Rufus, Glenda is the pioneering pastor of City Church International in Hong Kong (www.ccihk.com), and long-time friends of our House. In this message, Glenda encourages us to keep our thought-life in good health by being vigilant in monitoring, capturing and directing our thoughts so that they are in line with God’s truth.

Glory Revealed: Water into Wine

Description/Notes: in this message Chad Mansbridge looks at the first of Jesus’ 7 Signs in the Book of John; the changing of water to wine at a wedding in Cana. In this verse-by-verse analysis, Chad examines the cultural components of an Ancient Jewish wedding, unpacks some profound theological implications and nuances in the text, and declares some powerful revelation concerning God’s Name and Nature that this sign points towards. See God’s Gospel and Glory revealed like never before!

Jesus in the Gospel of John

Description/Notes: The introductory message to our preaching series looking at Jesus in the Gospel of John. In this episode, Chad examines the Purpose and Peculiarities of this Gospel account, including a discussion on the book’s authorship. Who was ’the disciple whom Jesus loved?' The focus however, as always, is on the Person of Jesus Christ; God Divine in human form, the Word made flesh.

The Momentum Gifts (Romans 12)

Description: Part 2 of Chad’s mini-series on the subject of Momentum, launching off a prophetic word God spoke to us at the beginning of 2018. In this message, Chad looks at the seven “Momentum Gifts” found in Romans 12 and asks; which of these gifts do you identify with the most?


Description: On this podcast Chad addresses the subject of Momentum, launching off a prophetic word God spoke to us at the beginning of 2018. Momentum is arguably the greatest asset of any team, and contains three essential ingredients; Mass, Motion and Meaningful Direction.