Christmas Stories at Bayside: Joseph

by Brooke Wheatley: Wrapping up this short series, Brooke focuses on the life of Joseph in the Christmas Story. He was a kind man, willing to obey the Lord and ultimately an amazing foster Father to the Son of God. Key text: Matthew 1:18 – 2:23.

Christmas Stories at Bayside: Caleb Wheatley

by Caleb Wheatley - Description to follow

Christmas Stories at Bayside: The Shepherds

by Jeff Evers : Jeff opens the series, Christmas stories at Bayside, by looking at the story of the Shepherds, ordinary men doing ordinary things that had an extraordinary encounter and then they shared the good news of great joy that the messiah had been born. He encouraged us to look at a familiar story with fresh eyes. Key Text: Luke 2. 1-20

Jesus is My: El Shaddai

by Sean W Smith. Sean speaks about Jesus being our all-sufficient God. For our hearts not to be troubled and to declare His word over our lives. Key Text: Jerem 17.5-8

Jesus is My: Way Maker

by Jeff Evers - description to come.

Jesus is My: Lord and Saviour

by Caleb Wheatley: Caleb interviews Luke Lewitzka who tells of the Lord's goodness and the way the Lord solidified and anchored Luke's faith so that there was "no stone unturned".

Jesus is my: Jesus is my Testimony

By Caleb Wheatley:  Story has been a way to pass down instruction and teaching for generations, the thing about “story” is, everyone has one. Tune in and have a listen how one of the greatest gifts we have for someone is to share our story because our history points to HIS-STORY. Key Verses: Acts 26:10, Acts 26:12-16, Phil 1v6

Jesus is My: Brooke interviews the Polsons

by Brooke Wheatley. Brooke interviews Jon and Allie Polson. They tell of their journey from the UK to Australia and how Jesus guided them and gave them peace and strength through the whole process.

Dwelling in the Secret Place

by Brooke Wheatley. This Sunday join Brooke as we look at ‘The Secret Place.’ Not only does God want us to join Him in regular prayer but we delve a little deeper into ‘dwelling’ in His shadow and what that means for us and our relationship with Him today. Key Scriptures include: Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 27:5, Psalm 31:20

Playing With Eternity In Mind

by Caleb Wheatley. In Corinthians, Paul urges Christians to run in such a way as to win the prize. What is the prize? An everlasting crown. Today Caleb puts a modern spin on this narrative and shares his heart and desire to do life with eternity in mind. If in everything we do, we do it for God? then let’s do it with God's heart for humanity. Key texts include: 1 Corinthians 9:24, 1 Corinthians 2:14, Hebrews 2:14

3 Things to see God's glory and power in the church

by Tony Ide: Tony looks at 3 major ingredients the church needs to see the glory and power of God. Key texts: John 4.23, John 14.20, Luke 5.17 

20in22: Demolishing Disparity

by Rob Rufus: One of the first Apostolic voices to grace our pulpit in the early days of Bayside, Rob brings a word that encourages Bayside and the Church as a whole. Here Rob delicately unfolds that Disparity is the incongruous contradiction between the promises of God’s word and the actual results Christianity is experiencing. In order to close the gap, we need to recognize what has caused disparity and remove it. Rob unfolds 5 points in this message with the following scriptures. Read Jn14:11&12 and Eph 3:20

20in22: Mansbridge Family Bids Farewell

[FULL SERVICE] by Ebony, Jaye, Charlie, Jesse and Chad Mansbridge. After 20 years of serving as Lead Pastor/s to Bayside Church, the Mansbridge family bid Bayside a fond farewell during this very special Sunday morning service. Amidst fond memories, words of encouragement, and various expressions of gratitude, Chad and Jaye take opportunity to each share their departing words of wisdom to our church family. 

20in22: A Pastor’s Farewell Address

[SERMON ONLY] by Chad Mansbridge. After some fond reflections and personal expressions of thanks from members of his family, Chad takes us, once again, to Acts 20, where we find Paul’s famous ‘farewell address’ to the Ephesian elders—a speech which, in many ways, reflects those given by Old Testament leaders such as Moses, Joshua, Samuel, King David and Jesus. Drawing on highlights from each of these biblical examples, Chad offers the congregation a sincere and heart-felt farewell of his own as his time of serving as Bayside’s lead pastor comes to a close after 20 years. Key texts include Acts 20:17–38; Deut. 31:8; Josh. 24:14–15; 1 Sam. 12:23; 1 Kings 2:2; 1 Chron. 29:17–18; John 13:34–35; Acts 20:28.

How to Dad with God (1 John 4v16)

By Caleb Wheatley.  This Father’s Day as we celebrate Dads, it is fitting to look to the perfect Dad for tips we can apply to how we raise our precious children. Whether you’re a Dad, Mum, Grandparent, Auntie, Uncle or Friend if you filter your life through the lens of God then you are set up for a win. Key Scriptures:  1 John 4v16, 1 Corinthians 13

Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Saviour of Souls (Matt 19-28)

by Brooke Wheatley. As we finalise our month of learning through Mathew’s gospel, we reach our culmination of the series and look at the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid and are reminded of His love for us. Key Scriptures: Matt 27:15-31, Eph 1:4

Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Bearer of Burdens (Matt 11-13)

by Brooke Wheatley. Join us as we move through the middle scriptures of Matthew gospel and Brooke shares with us one of Jesus’ most generous offers – the promise to bear our burdens. We explore the text inviting us to ‘Come to Him’ and His promise of rest for our souls. Key Texts include: Matt 11:28-30

Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Founder of a Royal Family (Matt. 14–18)

by Chad Mansbridge. Jumping ahead to Part 4 of our preaching series—Who Do You Say I Am?—Chad begins with a summary of the series so far, before providing a heads-up on this week’s readings: Matthew Chapters 14–18. With a focus on Jesus’ body of teaching in Chapter 18, Chad encourages us to embrace our responsibilities as members of God’s house, and see Christ as Founder of a Royal Family! Key texts include: Matthew 17:24–27; Matthew 18:1–35.

Who Do You Say I am: Jesus is Merciful (Matt. 8-10)

by Caleb Wheatley. Continuing our short series through the Book of Matthew, Caleb brings to life how throughout these chapters we see that Jesus is a "Merciful King" and has the heart to see all people whole. So much so that He then empowers His “Army” (His Church) to go and do the same.  Key Texts include: Matt-9:13, Matt 9:36, Matt 10:1

Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Saviour and King (Matt. 1–7)

by Chad Mansbridge. In launching our Term 3 preaching series—Who Do You Say I Am?—Chad encourages us to see how the opening chapters of Matthew’s Gospel reveals Christ as both Saviour and King. Beginning with Jesus’ genealogy in Chapter 1, and concluding with His Sermon on the Mount in Chapter 7, this first instalment of our Matthew Series will encourage you to acknowledge Christ as Saviour and Lord with both your lips and your lifestyle. Key texts include: Matthew 16:13–18; Matthew 1:1–17; Matthew 7:21–29.

Freedom & Fame

by Lianne Perry. At first glance, Acts 12 is an unrelatable passage but Lianne reveals relevant and applicable truths as she digs a little deeper into the actions of those mentioned. Key Text : Acts 12:1-19


by Jeff Evers. Godly change should be embraced,  filled with excitement and anticipation of amazing opportunities. Be strong and courageous when we face change. Key scriptures: Exodus 3: 2-5, Joshua 5: 13-15, Numbers 27: 15-23, Joshua 1: 2 -5

But God: Hears Your Prayers

by Brooke Wheatley. Today Brooke shares on how we can develop our relationship with God through prayer. Includes inspirational stories of God answering prayer throughout the Bible as well as what we can do when our prayer lives aren’t so ‘hot’ and He doesn’t seem to be listening. True Fact; God always hears your prayers! Key texts include: 1 Samuel 9-18, Acts 10:28, Micah 3:4, Psalm 22:2, Luke 18:1-7

But God: Prayer and Praise, the Ultimate Weapons

by Caleb Wheatley. Life comes at us fast and hard, sometimes unexpected. When tough situations arise, scripture gives us some pointers on the best way to respond. Caleb shares out of 2 Chronicles that sometimes we can have a battle in life that is not ours “But God’s”.  Key text includes: 2 Chronicles 20:1-26; 2 Chronicles 17:3-4

But God: Gives Grace

by Jesse Mansbridge. Without doubt, the Gospel of God’s Grace—made possible through the death and resurrection of Christ—is the greatest ‘But God’ tale of all time! Join Jesse as he reveals the unconditional Grace of God in the Story of the Prodigal Son, and explains how that Grace can overflow in our life to impact those around us.  Key texts include: Romans 5:1–8; Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 6:15-23; Galatians 1:11-16.

But God: Intended it for Good (Joseph)

by Chad Mansbridge. Arguably the most beloved ‘But God’ sagas of Scripture, the story of Joseph is a classic tale of how God is able to bring good out of the most challenging of situations. Join Chad as he walks us through the journey of Joseph and his jealous older brothers to see how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are able to meet you in hopeless and painful times … and bring about a ‘But God’ moment in your life today! Key texts include: Acts 7:9–10; Genesis 37:1–36; Genesis 39:20–23; Genesis 41:16; Genesis 45:1–9; Genesis 15:15–20; Romans 8:28; Romans 5:8; Romans 8:37.

But God: I Surrender All

by Jaye Mansbridge. As we continue this term’s ‘But God’ preaching series, Jaye takes opportunity to share her perspective on the Mansbridge family’s recent transition news. From the earliest stories in Genesis, biblical history contains many accounts of those who are called to embark on journey with God—adventures that require faith, courage, sacrifice and surrender. While often mysterious, the wisdom of God is always reliable as He reveals the path forward: no eye  has seen, nor ear has heard … ’but God’ has revealed them through His Spirit! Key texts include: Prov. 19:21; 1 Cor 2:9–10; 1 Cor. 2:1–12.

20in22: Commissioning for a New Season

by Fini & Isi DeGersigny. On this profoundly significant Sunday morning, apostolic hands are laid on Brooke and Caleb Wheatley, as they are commissioned into their new role as lead pastors of Bayside Church and Chad and Jaye begin to ‘hand on the baton’ to the next generation of Bayside leadership. Fini and Isi are long-time friends of our church family and lead Jubilee Church in Sydney. Key Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1–11

But God: Trusting the ‘But God’ for your Season

by Brooke Wheatley. Kicking off our Term 2 Preaching Series just a fortnight after Chad and Jaye’s transition announcement, Brooke preaches from Matthew 19 on how God speaks to the heart. Also key to the day is their story for 2022 and how they as a family have experienced a ‘But God’ moment in their direction for ministry and Bayside.

Key Text: Matthew 19:16-26

God Chooses Shepherds (John 10)

by Chad Mansbridge. The motif of shepherding threads through the entire scope of the Scriptures, as prophets and apostles alike seek to illustrate God’s relationship with His people and, also, describe the function of human leaders in various contexts. In this message, Chad draws on this powerful biblical theme and encourages us to acknowledge Christ as our Great Shepherd and ourselves as under-shepherds called to love and lead those around us. Key texts include: John 10: 1–21.

20in22: Major ‘Moving-Forward’ News

by Chad Mansbridge. In this ‘once-in-20-year message’, Chad sits down to explain how his season of serving as Bayside’s lead pastor is drawing to an end, as he and Jaye sense the Father leading them to relocate interstate for the next phase of their life and ministry journey. A somewhat tender, yet profoundly prophetic moment for our church, in this message you’ll hear details on the process of Chad and Jaye’s journey thus far, and of God’s plans for our future moving forward. Our 20in22 year just got a whole lot more exciting! Key texts: Acts 20:16–38.

Thank you for being a Mum

By Mal Munro. Mal looks at the different aspects of God's personality and highlights the feminine side of God. Also looking at the heart of God through Naomi as a Mum and Ruth as her daughter in law. Mal celebrates Motherhood and praises mothers for all they do. Key Texts. John 14.17, John 4.24, Is 66.13, Mat 23.37, Gen 1.28, Ruth 1.1-5, V13, V16-17, Chp3.3


20in22: Moving Forward Together

by Chad Mansbridge. After addressing a bit of ‘Family Business’, Chad dons on his ‘teacher hat’ and walks us through a contextual Bible-study of Ancient Israel’s journey in the wilderness; specifically, the second year of their travels, from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea. It is here the Israelites were trained in how to ‘keep in step with the Spirit’—to be a people who followed the cloud of God’s presence. It is also here we see God’s Shepherd-heart … that none would be left behind, but all would move forward together. Key texts: Exodus 40:34-38; Numbers 7:1–2; 9:1–11; 1:1–4; 10:11–13; 9:17–23; John 10:14–16.

Jeff Evers - The Anzac spirit 

By Jeff EversThe Anzac spirit, as we remember the Anzacs, Jeff looks at 3 aspects of the Anzac spirit, that are in each one of us. perseverance, endurance, courage. Born on a battlefield, can be reflected on a sports field and can be outworked in our day to day lives. Key text: John 15:13, Romans 5:3+4, 2 Peter 1:5, Colossians 1:11, Acts 4:13

Easter is Christmas fulfilled

By Guy and Chad Mansbridge. What starts as a special SuperKids presentation celebrating the ‘Peace, Joy and Hope’ of this holiday season, including a visit from Santa himself … soon becomes a lesson in the parallels and differences between the events of Christmas and Easter. Why is Easter greater than Christmas? Find out on this very special Resurrection Sunday message. Key texts include: Romans 15:13; John 20:19–23.

Better Together: Ephesians 6: The Armour Of God

By Lianne Perry. Considering the locational placement of the armour God supplies & how the pieces symbolise our new nature in Jesus, Lianne relates how this equips us to stand against the devil's schemes & pray with confidence and faith for each other. Key text: Ephesians 5:21 - 6:24, specifically 6:11, 13, 18

Better Together: Ephes 4-5: Being Ambassadors for Jesus

By Rob Moores. Rob takes us through what it means to be an ambassador for Jesus in our community, not getting distracted by worldly things, but being filled with God’s love and the Holy Spirit and showing that love and having an explanation of who God is to those around us. Key texts: Ephes 4.20 - 5.17, John 14.34-35

Better Together : Gifts

By Steve Potter. Steve gives us an overview of the church at Ephesus and Paul’s journey from Jerusalem to Ephesus. Steve talked about the amazing impact the Ephesian church had and how it had changed the whole climate of the region. They did this through the power of the Holy Spirit, and Steve takes us through how the Holy Spirited gifted the Ephesian church and how He gifts us today and challenges us to see God working in and through us. Key texts: Ephesians 4:1-16, Acts 19:10-27, Romans 8:19.

Better Together: Mysterious plan revealed - Us and Jesus

by Caleb WheatleyGod's secret plan revealed! His love for us now means that we get to have access to God's resources as we share and live out the Gospel in our community. As we continue to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus our “first love” more of his goodness is revealed and works its way out through the local Church. Key texts; Eph 3v7-10; Rev 2v3; Eph 3v14-19

Better Together: Ephesians 2 - A Reconciled Community

by Chad Mansbridge. Ephesians 2 contains some of this epistle's most beloved one-liners, but there's far more to it than that! It is here that Paul explains how the work of Christ brought together two of the most divided cultural groups of his day—Jew and Gentile. In this message, Chad helps us to appreciate various aspects of the culture of biblical times, before encouraging us to see the church today as God's reconciled, and reconciling, community. Key texts: Ephesians 2:1–22; Galatians 3:26–28.

Better Together: God's plans for our adoption

by Brooke Wheatley. Following on from the exciting prophetic voices over the last couple of weeks, join Brooke as we launch a new series on Ephesians//Better Together. From our chapter today we delve into the woven theme of God's plans for our adoption from the very beginning of time! He predestined for us to walk with Him and be part of a bigger spiritual family because we are Better Together in God's house! Key Scripture includes Ephesians 1.

20in22: Vision Sunday' (#20in22)

by Chad Mansbridge. On this very special Sunday, Chad dons his 'visionary pastor' hat to give voice and vernacular to the prophetic season in which we find ourselves in 2022—our 20th Anniversary Year. Drawing on the account of Moses, calling the Israelites to 'move on from this mountain', Chad encourages us to see that we truly have come to a 'Moving Forward Moment', as we remember our past, rejoice in the present, and reach ahead into our future together. Key texts: Deuteronomy 1:3–8; Numbers 10:11–14; Joshua 4:1–9.

20in22: Moving Forward

by Nick Resce: Here for his third ministry visit to Bayside as part of a special ordination service, Nick draws on the story of Joshua and encourages us to ‘move forward’ into God’s prophetic purposes and plans. Moving forward necessitates us embracing New Eyes, a New Heart and taking a New Step. Key texts: Joshua 2:1; 3:15; 3:3.

Grace: Grace to Do (Romans 12–16)

By Chad Mansbridge. As he closes out this 2-Part series on Grace, Chad walks us through Romans 12:1–13 and Paul's list of 7 grace gifts. He then presents some practical pointers as to how we can recognise the unique and specific grace-gift on a person's life. Key texts include: Romans 12:1–13; Romans 15:15.

Grace : Grace to Be (Romans 1–11)

By Chad Mansbridge. As the first instalment of a 2-Part mini-series for February, Chad stresses upon us the importance of constantly living in the grace of God—that supernatural gift that, when received, causes us to be what we cannot be without Him! The Book of Romans, particularly, contains many references to the term 'grace' and many insights into its potential power in our lives. Key texts: Acts 20:22–24; Romans 1:5–7; Romans 3:21–24; Romans 4:16; Romans 5:1–2, 17; Romans 6:14–15; Romans 8:31–32; Romans 11:5–6.

Being led by the Holy Spirit

by Brooke Wheatley. Out of Acts 8 we see a key member of the Acts Revival, Philip, responding immediately to Gods direction, being led by the Spirit and someone’s life being changed because of it! The Holy Spirit is Gods gift to us to encourage, help and counsel us. Key passages: Acts 8 and John 14:16.

Thoughts for 2022 from Job, Jesus and Judges

By Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at how Job responded when he had bad news, more bad news and more bad news. He then looked at how Jesus dealt with the devil by addressing one thing at a time. Lastly, he looked at Judges 20:22 which shows us how to encourage one another. God is sovereign and worthy to be praised. Key passages: Job 1 13 -21, Matthew 4 1-11. Judges 20:22

When we step out in Faith, God steps in with power!

By Barry Chant. Taking us back to the beloved story of Peter walking on water, guest speaker Barry Chant encourages us to live with the eyes of faith in troubled times ... and see that fear is simply faith in the wrong thing. Let courage rise with the danger! Key texts include: Matt. 14:22–33.

Beauty Redefined

By Jaye Mansbridge. What is true beauty? Can we truly grow more beautiful, the older we get? Today, Jaye encourages us to embrace the Bible’s definition of true beauty, and shares four practical steps each of us can take as we commit ourselves to grow in the beauty of our new creation nature. True beauty looks like the life of the Spirit! Key texts include: 1 Peter 3:3–4; Eph. 1:1–14; Gal. 5.

Acts 20:22. Certain, and Unsure

by Chad Mansbridge. In this special message to welcome in the New Year 2022, Chad teaches through Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders, before settling on a key thought expressed in Acts 20:22 - the life of faith consists of living in the tension of being absolutely certain and yet utterly unsure, all at the same time! Be encouraged and equipped as Chad provides powerful practical advise on how to lean in to uncertainty as we look forward to a new year ahead. Key texts include: Acts 20:17–38.

Good News: God Gives & Encourages Rest!

by Brooke Wheatley. This Christmas season & leading into the New Year, be encouraged that God wants us to trust Him to strengthen us and bring us rest. Proper Godly rest renews us, redirects us & causes us to remember what is important, especially in this Christmas season. Key scriptures include: Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 40:31, Mark 6:30-32.

Good News: God Can be Known

by Chad Mansbridge. Acts 17 records the apostle Paul's famous sermon on Mars Hill in the ancient city of Athens. It is here that he declares some very good news indeed: the 'Unknown God' can, in fact, be known! In his fourth, and final instalment of this 'Good News of Great Joy' series, follow Chad as he unpacks the context of this powerful message, and reveals it's practical pertinence for us today. Key texts include: Acts 17:16-34.

Good News: The Power of the Gospel!

by Paul Tothill. Long time friends of Chad and Jaye, but first time guests to Bayside, Paul brings an impassioned word on the power inherent in the Good News, calling us and causing us to press through the storms of life and emerge stronger in God’s purposes. Key texts include; Psalm 105; Mark 6.

Good News: God's got You

by Caleb Wheatley. Caleb shares a timely reminder that God is in control. No matter the season we find ourselves in today, it is Good News to know that God has got it. He has our yesterday, today, tomorrow, and even our eternity. Key texts include: Ephesians 1:4, Philippians 4:6 and Matthew 6:26

Good News: Not All News is Created Equal

by Chad Mansbridge. Acts 15 records the account of the Council of Jerusalem and describes how the leaders of the early church dealt with 'fake news' masquerading as the Gospel. It is here that James, Jesus' own brother, delivers some very good news indeed - not all news is created equal: some news is fake news but His news is for all youse! Key texts include: Acts 15:1–31

Good News: God loves ALL people!

by Lianne Perry. Considering God’s use of wind to change environments and prompt deeper revelation as seen in the book of Jonah – 'spoiler alert'; this has very little to do with the whale – we see God persist with practical examples to grow Jonah’s understanding of His love for all people. [Similarities to Holy Spirit within us are also highlighted.]

Good News: A Letter of Good News

by Jeff Evers. Jeff reads a letter full of good news. This was originally written for the Ephesian Church and is as applicable today as when it was first written. It is full of good news that we can all take hold of. Key texts include: Ephesians 1, 2 and 3

Developing Bulldog Faith - The secret to experiencing Gods best!

by Sean W Smith. Understanding the Kingdom and How God operates is key to walking in the Blessing and promises of God. We can learn so much from the life of Jesus how He responded to and dealt with fear, challenges and other seemingly impossible circumstances. Tune in to find out how to start becoming God inside minded and develop Bulldog Faith! Key texts include: 2 Corinthians 5:7

Good News: God With Us in Every Changing Season

by Chad Mansbridge. Acts 7 records the longest sermon in the New Testament as delivered by Christianity's first martyr, Stephen. In it, he recalls Ancient Israel's history to make the point that in every changing season—God is always present with His people. What Good News that is! Key texts include: Acts 7:1–60

Good News: Good News of Total Forgiveness!

by Chad Mansbridge. Launching our Term 4 Preaching Series, 'Good News of Great Joy', Chad walks us through the preaching of the apostle Peter highlighting his emphasis on the good news promise of forgiveness found in Christ, a theme Paul would later expound upon in his epistles. Key texts include: Acts 2:14–41; Acts 3:11–19; Acts 10:34–43.

Who has the last laugh, God’s sense of humour

by Mal Munro. Mal looks at humour being an intricate part of our relationship with God and how it creates a comic relief and a refocus on what matters. Texts include Ecclesiastes 3, Proverbs 17.22 and Ephesians 3.20

Heroes: Daniel

by Rachel Donaldson. Rachel looks into some of the key character qualities as she explores the life of Daniel. He was a man of no compromise and lived consistently regardless of his circumstances. Join Rachel as she encourages us to Stand Up and Stand Out. Key texts include: Daniel 1:3-21 and Daniel 6.

Heroes: Nehemiah (Unifier of a City)

by Chad Mansbridge. Today's biblical hero is Nehemiah, who united a city and led Israel through a period of relentless pressure, to see God's purposes fulfilled. In this episode of our Heroes 2.0 Series, Chad engages us in a serious conversation about the need to remain united, especially now in 2021, as we continue to walk together through the ever-present pressures brought about by Covid, reminding us that our differences need not divide us. Key texts include: Nehemiah Chapters 2; 4; 5; 6; 13.

Heroes: Onesimus (useless or useful?)

by Rob Moores. Onesimus, a runaway slave, went from being useless to incredibly useful. Rob Moores shares with us that sometimes, we may feel useless but in the hands of God he crowns us otherwise. Key texts: Philemon 8–16.

Heroes: John (The Baptiser)

by Jonathan Ogilvie. Continuing our series on Heroes, Jonathan examines the role of John the Baptiser. He was called to conclude the prophets of the Old Testament and was responsible for heralding the coming of Messiah. Key text: John 1:19-34

Heroes: David (The not so-UnderDog)

by Jesse Mansbridge. On this special Father's Day Service, and to coincide with Bayside's 19th birthday, one of our founding members takes to the pulpit for the very first time!
Listen as Jesse takes us to the story of David and Goliath, and encourages us to be confident and step out in faith knowing our battle is won.
Key passages include: 1 Samuel 17

Heroes: Ezra (A Man of the Book)

by Chad Mansbridge. As part of National Book Week, and to coincide with the in-house release of his new book (You Can Handle the Truth), Chad's biblical hero today is Ezra - Old Testament teacher and scribe. Discover what Ezra teaches us about being a 'People of the Book', and of how we can correctly handle it for ourselves today! Key texts: Ezra 7:1–10; Nehemiah 8:1–10. #youcanhandlethetruth

Heroes: Joseph (The Great Protector)

by Chad Mansbridge. Continuing on with our 2021 Term 3 Preaching Series, we head back to where it all began, the book of Genesis, and examine the life and story of Joseph. A hero in many respects, and for many reasons, in this message Chad specifically draws out Joseph's profound commitment to being a Protector. Key texts include: Genesis 37–50; Titus 2:12; Hebrews 12:15

Heroes: Thomas

by Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at the disciple Thomas and what we can learn from him. He was brave, he was bold and a believer that led the way for all of us to believe. Key texts include: John 11:16, John 14:5-6, and John 20:28-29.

Heroes: Deborah

by Brooke Wheatley. Today join Brooke as she shares from Judges chapter 4 on the life lessons we can learn from Deborah, the prophet and the judge.

Heroes: Paul (Issues with Authority)

by Chad Mansbridge. Launching our 2021 Term 3 Preaching Series, Chad draws our attention to the apostle Paul and his dealings with 'authority issues'. Notably, how Paul related to those under him, over him, alongside him and within him. Is there a difference between submission and obedience? Can a leader be authoritative but not authoritarian? What about issues of conscience? Key texts include: 1 Corinthians 4; Acts 23:1–5; Galatians 2:6–11; Acts 20–21; Romans 14.

5 Prophetic Promises for Bayside

by Chad Mansbridge. In honour of the 19th anniversary of Chad & Jaye receiving their call to pioneer Bayside Church, the Lord wants to remind us of some of the key prophetic promises He has given us as a community, from Zechariah Chapter 8. This message was recorded 'live in lockdown' as part of a livestream-only Sunday Service. Enjoy!

Doing life well, with what you have now

by Marty Manuel. Out of Matthew 25:14 - Marty shares the importance of being Faithful with what God has given us currently.

Using biblical truths and living examples from his own life.

Be inspired to do well with what you have.

Wisdom was there - from Creation to Cross

by Rob Moores. Rob’s message uses an approach called Spoken Word. The message drawing from Proverbs 8 personifies Wisdom. Wisdom is a gift from God to humanity. Throughout history Wisdom is there including at the Cross. The wisdom of the Cross is needed to believe the power of the Cross.

Getting Wisdom is the wisest thing you can do to live your life well.

Think right, Feel right, Act right

by Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at Proverbs 23:7 which looks at thinking with our heart. He gives practical advice on how to shift our thinking to thinking right and how this then becomes thinking in our heart. When we think right, we feel right, we act right, then we do life well.

The Power of your Words

by Brooke Wheatley. Join us as Brooke shares what Gods teaching her about speaking words of life. One of the biggest keys to our personal breakthrough lays within the power of the tongue.

Trusting Him with All

by Noni Potter. Sharing powerful provision stories from her life, Noni encourages us to heed the promise of Proverbs 3:5–6, and cast all our trust on God and His faithfulness. Every challenge life throws us, is an invitation to expand our revelation of God and deepen our dependency on His good character. For more on Noni, including details of her brand new book, visit

Doing Stewardship Well

by Chad Mansbridge. One of the keys to doing life well is to master the art of stewardship. The Proverbs have a great deal to say on this important issue, highlighting many significant aspects of our lives which require good stewardship. More than just money, stewardship is about our entire lives belonging to God!

Doing Hate Well

by Chad Mansbridge. Addressing the unique and somewhat uncomfortable subject matter of 'hate', in this message Chad encourages us to draw wisdom from Proverbs 6:16-19, a passage which speaks directly to the '7 Things that God Hates'. Much like its counter-point 'love', hate is something that can be holy and helpful ... so long as it is harnessed well and handled wisely.

Exceedingly Wise

by Lianne Perry. With Proverbs 30:24-28 as core text, Lianne offers practical examples and her unique perspective to examine the instincts of the ants, rock hyraxes, locusts and a lizard suggesting we can learn from them to Prepare for the future, avoid Predators (trouble), Participate and be in His Presence.

Balancing the scales with God’s truth

by Mal Munro. Mal looks at Proverbs 11.1 and how the Lord wants proper balance in our lives. He covers ethics, which scales are we using, and how the Lord takes us at our word when we hand our lives over to Him.

Four Words of Wisdom

by Chad Mansbridge. In officially launching our Term 2 Preaching Series, Chad reminds us of the calling on the church to 'raise up' people who do life well. Taking his readings from Proverbs 1–2, he then encourages us with these Four Words of Wisdom: Listen Up; Cry Out; Slow Down; and Give Up!

A Mother's Wisdom: Be Self-Aware

by Chad Mansbridge. In this special Mother's Day message, Chad takes us to Proverbs 31 where King Solomon's mother shares her wisdom with her son, encouraging him to embrace a healthy sense of self-awareness. Listen as Chad encourages us, likewise, to be aware of our: Identities, Priorities, Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Abilities, and Besties!

Struggling together strong

by Fini & Isi DeGersigny. Special guests and long-time friends, Fini and Isi DeGersigny are a powerful apostolic-prophetic gift to our house. This weekend they encourage us to contend through struggle together and rise above that which would oppose us!

Our ANZAC Spirit

by Chad Mansbridge. This special ANZAC Day Sunday, Chad encourages us to model the four qualities famously exemplified by our national military: Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice. These attributes are not virtues limited just to our ANZAC soldiers, they are part of the nature of our God, demonstrated most powerfully by none other than Christ Himself.

God's will for my life

by Rob Moores. Finding and fulfilling God's will for our life is the desire of most every Christian. In this message, Rob shares around this noble theme ... from discipling others, to performing miracles, demonstrating love in the most practical ways, and operating in the gifts of the Spirit. How would you define God's will for the believer?

Under His Shadow

By Jeff Evers. Jeff explores Psalm 9.1 to remind us that God is supreme and powerful and we can shelter and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. We are reminded that God is greater than death and has it 'under control'.

Cloth and Stone (Easter Sunday)

by Chad Mansbridge. Today's Resurrection Sunday message is based on John 20:1-21. Despite all the uncertainties and speculations surrounding that first Easter Day, there are at least three things of which we can be absolutely sure: a Curtain had been torn down, a Stone had been rolled away, and a House had been transformed!

Rivers of Life-Giving Water

by Rachel Donaldson. In this message Rachel talks about how to navigate through two different rivers of life, rivers of rest and rivers of rapid waters and how to produce rivers of life giving water through each season.

Journeys: Being Influencers

by Maureen Moores. Drawing from her own life experience and prophetic words of encouragement given her over the years, Maureen encourages us to see that the world needs positive influencers. Even those born 'at the bottom of the hill', can open the package God has given them to influence the world around them with Heaven's Joy and Peace!

Restore, Raise Up, Release

by Nick Resce. Back to Bayside for 2021, Nick returns to our pulpit to encourage us in the three main functions of the church: being a community that restores, raises up and then releases people into their God-given identity, purpose and calling. With a particular focus on 'raising up' (i.e., maturing) believers as well-rounded followers of Jesus, Nick invites us to embrace our calling to be a discipling community here at Bayside.

Journeys: Fast and Feast!

by Chad Mansbridge. This special 'public holiday' instalment of our Journeys series has us again revisiting the exodus motif where we see God commanding His people to set aside special times of Joy and Peace, of Feasting and Fasting. Join Chad as he walks us through the Feasts os Israel in Leviticus 23, and discover how all these powerful pictures point us to Christ!

Journeys: Turn Challenges to a Adventure

by Mal Munro. What if every challenge we face, we could turn into an adventure ? Mal explores today how adventure enables us to maintain His joy and peace in our lives.

Journeys: Positioned for Purpose

by Jaye Mansbridge. What do three chairs and Ezekiel's four faces have in common? Find out as Jaye encourages us how to be led by the Spirit of God on the diverse and creative journey He is inviting us to participate in!

Journeys: Pack Well!

by Jeff Evers. In Part 2 of our Term 1 Preaching Series, Jeff encourages us to pack well for the journey. Discover three powerful items to take in your backpack as you walk through life with joy and peace.

Journeys: Fitted Feet

by Chad Mansbridge. Launching our Term 1 Preaching Series for 2021, Chad explains how our God promises joy and peace to those who are called (and committed) to journeying with Him. Drawing on the account of Israel's exodus from Egypt, Chad highlights the importance of embracing the meta-narrative of Scripture, before landing in Ephesians 6 where Paul encourages us to see our 'feet fitted with readiness', thanks to the Gospel of Peace! Join us in the journey...


by Rob Moores. In response to a word from God for the 2021 year, Rob shares about the power of the spoken word blessing - in particular, the pronouncement of God’s peace in people’s lives!

Staying Fresh!

by Chad Mansbridge. In this second instalment of his summer mini-series, Chad provides four practical ways we can stay fresh 'in a sun-scorched land'—through God's Family; His Presence; The Word; and His Principles. Enjoy!

Destination: Complete

by Jaye Mansbridge. Walking through the Numbers 13 account of the 12 spies scouting the land of Canaan, Jaye encourages us to push forward into the promises of God by drawing encouragement from the examples set by Joshua and Caleb.

Glorious Grace 2013 "Session 3"

with special guest, Andrew Wommack. Originally presented back in October 2013, this mid-week podcast is the eighteenth, and final, in a special 18-week series of ‘Ministry Memories’ in honour of Bayside’s 18th Birthday Celebrations.