Hiding in plain sight

By Jeff Evers

Join us as Jeff discusses how Jesus is hiding in plain sight and waiting for us to find him.

Key Scriptures: Luke 2:1-12, Matthew 2:9-11, John 3:16

Covered by the Lamb

Jeff discusses another thing to think about - how humanity was covered by The Lamb from the very beginning.

By Jeff Evers

Key Scriptures:  Genesis 3:7, 3:21, 22:8, John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:19-20

Create in me a desire to know and show God!

By Jeff Evers

Remember because of the cross, we are forgiven, we are holy, we are righteous, we are perfect in God's eyes, we are loved beyond measure, we are his chosen possession, we are a child of God, we are complete in Him, we are seated in heavenly places, we are his ambassadors, and we are part of an amazing family in God.

That God is our Creator, he is most high, he is the everlasting one, our provider, our healer, our peace, our shepherd our righteousness and our saviour.

Key scriptures:  Genesis 3:10, Hebrews 4:14-16, Exodus 3:11-14, Matthew 16:13-15

Heart Postures - Growth

by Jeff Evers. Jeff talks about doing things for the Lord with the right heart, as humbleness, having the right attitude and motivation are so attractive to God—also the benefits of reading the word aloud in our secret places. Key scriptures Matt 6. 1-4, Luke 19.1-4, Ephes1.3-8

Jeff Evers: What are these stones for ?

by Jeff Evers.  Jeff takes us through the word in relation to stones that were used to create memorials of the wondrous things God has done and invites us to create our own memorials of remembrance of what He has done in our lives. Key Texts: Joshua 4.4, Luke 19.40, Gen 28.10, Matt 27. 59-60, Matt 28.2 

Christmas Stories at Bayside: The Shepherds

by Jeff Evers : Jeff opens the series, Christmas stories at Bayside, by looking at the story of the Shepherds, ordinary men doing ordinary things that had an extraordinary encounter and then they shared the good news of great joy that the messiah had been born. He encouraged us to look at a familiar story with fresh eyes. Key Text: Luke 2. 1-20

Jesus is My: Way Maker

by Jeff Evers - description to come.


by Jeff Evers. Godly change should be embraced,  filled with excitement and anticipation of amazing opportunities. Be strong and courageous when we face change. Key scriptures: Exodus 3: 2-5, Joshua 5: 13-15, Numbers 27: 15-23, Joshua 1: 2 -5

Jeff Evers - The Anzac spirit 

By Jeff EversThe Anzac spirit, as we remember the Anzacs, Jeff looks at 3 aspects of the Anzac spirit, that are in each one of us. perseverance, endurance, courage. Born on a battlefield, can be reflected on a sports field and can be outworked in our day to day lives. Key text: John 15:13, Romans 5:3+4, 2 Peter 1:5, Colossians 1:11, Acts 4:13

Thoughts for 2022 from Job, Jesus and Judges

By Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at how Job responded when he had bad news, more bad news and more bad news. He then looked at how Jesus dealt with the devil by addressing one thing at a time. Lastly, he looked at Judges 20:22 which shows us how to encourage one another. God is sovereign and worthy to be praised. Key passages: Job 1 13 -21, Matthew 4 1-11. Judges 20:22

Good News: A Letter of Good News

by Jeff Evers. Jeff reads a letter full of good news. This was originally written for the Ephesian Church and is as applicable today as when it was first written. It is full of good news that we can all take hold of. Key texts include: Ephesians 1, 2 and 3

Heroes: Thomas

by Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at the disciple Thomas and what we can learn from him. He was brave, he was bold and a believer that led the way for all of us to believe. Key texts include: John 11:16, John 14:5-6, and John 20:28-29.

Think right, Feel right, Act right

by Jeff Evers. Jeff looks at Proverbs 23:7 which looks at thinking with our heart. He gives practical advice on how to shift our thinking to thinking right and how this then becomes thinking in our heart. When we think right, we feel right, we act right, then we do life well.

Under His Shadow

By Jeff Evers. Jeff explores Psalm 9.1 to remind us that God is supreme and powerful and we can shelter and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. We are reminded that God is greater than death and has it 'under control'.

Journeys: Pack Well!

by Jeff Evers. In Part 2 of our Term 1 Preaching Series, Jeff encourages us to pack well for the journey. Discover three powerful items to take in your backpack as you walk through life with joy and peace.

Heroes: Paul's Companions

by Jeff Evers. Our world is full of unsung heroes—and so is the Bible. Men and women who receive only a passing mention in the pages of Scripture, but nevertheless played a significant role in the biblical story. In this message, Jeff takes a look at heroes like this, found discreetly, but most definitely, in the epistles of Paul.

Choose Joy 5: Philippians 2:19–30

by Jeff Evers. As we close out the second chapter of Paul’s Philippian epistle, Jeff encourages us to read this passage closely, drawing special attention to the profound dedication of characters like Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus as they partner together with the local church in sharing the Gospel of God’s Joy!

Rise on Eagle’s Wings

by Jeff Evers. In the third instalment of our “Rise & Shine” preaching series, Jeff shares personal experiences of God’s working through his life as he encourages us to rise on eagle’s wings! Remember, Imagine, Sing and Encourage.