Pro-verbs: Being a Proverbs Parent
By Brooke Wheatley
Join us with Brooke continuing our series on Proverbs this week, looking at parenting well. Modeling a healthy fear of God, standing on and walking with the Lord and being purposeful in our parenting.
Key Scriptures: Psalms 127:3-5, Proverbs 1:7, 9:10, 13:13, 22:6, Luke 15:11, Psalms 91
A Survey of 2024
By Brooke Wheatley: Brooke takes us through a survey of all that God has done through Bayside in 2024 and makes some exhortations for 2025.
Key Scriptures: Psalms 92, 1 Peter 3.12, Psalms 119.105, Proverbs 35
Character to Grow over a life that Says No.
By Brooke Wheatley
Today we join Brooke as she shares a message titled ‘Character to Grow over a life that Says No.’ How do we manage challenges in life and use them to build our character? Are difficult times from God? We look at Genesis 40 as we learn about Joseph’s trialing years and how he grew in trust and care for others and didn't become bitter.
Key Scriptures: Genesis 40, Romans 5:3-5, Galatians 5:22-25, Prov 11:25, Matthew 7:13-14, Isaiah 45:3
Divine Interruptions
by Brooke Wheatley
Discovering purpose in 'spiritual diversions' and becoming aware, alert, and available for God to be our Divine interrupter.
Key Scripture: Luke 8:40-56, Proverbs 16:9, Matthew 11:28
Raised - Redeemed - Repurposed
by Brooke Wheatley
Join us as we take a deeper dive into the book of Colossians.
Key Scriptures: Colossians 1:1-23
You are a builder
By Brooke Wheatley
Join us as Brooke takes us through the promises, the favour and the journey of Bayside church and revisits some of the early prophecy regarding Bayside.
Key Texts: Matthew 16:13-20, Zechariah 8:1-17, Ezra 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-16
Create in me your story
By Brooke Wheatley
Did you know that God has created you to be a storyteller? Brooke leads our family service along with some guests who share their testimony and how God has written His redeeming story into their lives. Also includes some practical ideas on how to develop your testimony and share with others.
Key scriptures: Ephesians 3:20-21, 1 Peter 3.15, Psalm 66.16, Acts 26, Psalm 51.10, Hebrews 4.16
A Heart for the Lost
By Brooke Wheatley.
Today Brooke launches a new series based on Psalm 51.10. Todays focus was on having a Heart for the Lost.
Key scriptures: Psalms 51:10, Luke 15, Hebrews 4:16
Being ordinary qualifies you!
By Brooke Wheatley
Brooke shares a message about how the Lord uses those of us who feel unqualified and unworthy to progress His works.
Key texts: Ephesians 2:4-5, 10; Colossians 2:13-15; John 15:1
Too Good Not to Share - Get out of the boat!
by Brooke Wheatley. Today Brooke shares about Getting out of the Boat and how we can rely on Jesus to lead us and also to catch us when we need it. Key Texts - Matthew 14:15-33, Jeremiah 29:12-13, 1 Peter 3:12, Psalms 18:6
Heart Postures - Fasting
by Brooke Wheatley: Brooke continues the series on Heart Postures by looking at the different ways we can fast, what blessings there are for those who do, and God's attitude towards the practice. Key Scriptures Judges 20.26, Ezra 10.6 & 8.21, Daniel 10.3-5 and Jonah 3.3-4
Heart Postures - Prayer
by Caleb and Brooke Wheatley, Guy and Veronica Mansbridge: Caleb and Brooke take a lounge-style look at prayer, bringing in Guy and Veronica for their thoughts. They address such things as "How did Jesus pray", "Can prayer initially seem boring", "Prayer is the pathway to relationship with God" and 'Prayer changes history". Key texts Luke 11.1, Matt 6.9-11, Ephes 6.10
Heart Postures - Humility
by Brooke Wheatley. This week, Brooke launches our new series called ‘Heart Postures for Growth.’
She opens the series with the topic of Humility, what it is, why it's important to God and how we grow in it.
Key Scriptures include Collos 3:12, 2 Sam 22:28, Isaiah 66:2, Psalm 147:6, Prov 3:34, Micah 6:8, James 4:6.
Galatians 2: Living in the True Gospel
Join Brooke this week as we delve into Living Free from the Law and points we can model from both Paul and Peter and their passion for the true Gospel. Key scriptures: Galatians 2.
Sow and Grow: Road to Emmaus
by Brooke Wheatley: Brooke takes us through the scripture of the account of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. She looks at Jesus being for the common man, things happen when He is the focus, and how Jesus esteems the word of God. Key Scriptures: Luke 24.13-35
Sow and Grow: Planting Seeds of Selfless Love
by Brooke Wheatley. Brooke talks to us about the importance of being selfless in love, knowing that the enemy to selfless love is a "me culture" and to "love anyway" past the feelings. Key Scripture; 1 John 4.7-11
Brooke Wheatley: God Places Us In Family
by Brooke Wheatley. Bayside’s family service today involves hearing about the unique and purposeful design of God placing us within families – natural and spiritual and how young and old (er) can look to encourage one another. Key Scriptures include: Psalm 139:16, 1 Samuel 17:42, 1 Samuel 3:10, Psalm 19:20
Mountains and Valleys: David
by Brooke Wheatley: This is the first of our ‘Mountain and Valleys’ series, and Brooke opens with the significance of valleys and how King David's experiences can help guide and inspire us through our own.” Key Scriptures: Psalm 23, 1 Samuel 22:10, Psalm 142, Psalm 57
Summertime Preaching: Are you being Robbed?
by Brooke Wheatley: This week Brooke reminds us of the power of the word of God in fighting battles against the enemy and holding onto our inheritance in Christ. Key Scriptures: John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8, Genesis 25, Ephesians 6:16, Luke 4:4-13
Christmas Stories at Bayside: Joseph
by Brooke Wheatley: Wrapping up this short series, Brooke focuses on the life of Joseph in the Christmas Story. He was a kind man, willing to obey the Lord and ultimately an amazing foster Father to the Son of God. Key text: Matthew 1:18 – 2:23.
Jesus is My: Brooke interviews the Polsons
by Brooke Wheatley. Brooke interviews Jon and Allie Polson. They tell of their journey from the UK to Australia and how Jesus guided them and gave them peace and strength through the whole process.
Dwelling in the Secret Place
by Brooke Wheatley. This Sunday join Brooke as we look at ‘The Secret Place.’ Not only does God want us to join Him in regular prayer but we delve a little deeper into ‘dwelling’ in His shadow and what that means for us and our relationship with Him today. Key Scriptures include: Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 27:5, Psalm 31:20
Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Saviour of Souls (Matt 19-28)
by Brooke Wheatley. As we finalise our month of learning through Mathew’s gospel, we reach our culmination of the series and look at the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid and are reminded of His love for us. Key Scriptures: Matt 27:15-31, Eph 1:4
Who Do You Say I Am: Jesus is Bearer of Burdens (Matt 11-13)
by Brooke Wheatley. Join us as we move through the middle scriptures of Matthew gospel and Brooke shares with us one of Jesus’ most generous offers – the promise to bear our burdens. We explore the text inviting us to ‘Come to Him’ and His promise of rest for our souls. Key Texts include: Matt 11:28-30
But God: Hears Your Prayers
by Brooke Wheatley. Today Brooke shares on how we can develop our relationship with God through prayer. Includes inspirational stories of God answering prayer throughout the Bible as well as what we can do when our prayer lives aren’t so ‘hot’ and He doesn’t seem to be listening. True Fact; God always hears your prayers! Key texts include: 1 Samuel 9-18, Acts 10:28, Micah 3:4, Psalm 22:2, Luke 18:1-7
But God: Trusting the ‘But God’ for your Season
by Brooke Wheatley. Kicking off our Term 2 Preaching Series just a fortnight after Chad and Jaye’s transition announcement, Brooke preaches from Matthew 19 on how God speaks to the heart. Also key to the day is their story for 2022 and how they as a family have experienced a ‘But God’ moment in their direction for ministry and Bayside.
Key Text: Matthew 19:16-26
Better Together: God's plans for our adoption
by Brooke Wheatley. Following on from the exciting prophetic voices over the last couple of weeks, join Brooke as we launch a new series on Ephesians//Better Together. From our chapter today we delve into the woven theme of God's plans for our adoption from the very beginning of time! He predestined for us to walk with Him and be part of a bigger spiritual family because we are Better Together in God's house! Key Scripture includes Ephesians 1.
Being led by the Holy Spirit
by Brooke Wheatley. Out of Acts 8 we see a key member of the Acts Revival, Philip, responding immediately to Gods direction, being led by the Spirit and someone’s life being changed because of it! The Holy Spirit is Gods gift to us to encourage, help and counsel us. Key passages: Acts 8 and John 14:16.
Good News: God Gives & Encourages Rest!
by Brooke Wheatley. This Christmas season & leading into the New Year, be encouraged that God wants us to trust Him to strengthen us and bring us rest. Proper Godly rest renews us, redirects us & causes us to remember what is important, especially in this Christmas season. Key scriptures include: Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 40:31, Mark 6:30-32.
Heroes: Deborah
by Brooke Wheatley. Today join Brooke as she shares from Judges chapter 4 on the life lessons we can learn from Deborah, the prophet and the judge.
The Power of your Words
by Brooke Wheatley. Join us as Brooke shares what Gods teaching her about speaking words of life. One of the biggest keys to our personal breakthrough lays within the power of the tongue.