Soldier Athlete, Farmer: Part 3

by Chad Mansbridge. In this third and final instalment of his mini-series for May, Chad focusses our attention on 2 Timothy 2:6 and Paul’s metaphor of the Christian as a ‘hard-working farmer’. Diligence, together with a strong work-ethic, are qualities which the Scripture highly esteems. Learn how to ‘find JOY’ in this powerful biblical truth.

Soldier Athlete, Farmer: Part 2

by Chad Mansbridge. As the second message in this mini-series, based on 2 Timothy 2:1—10, Chad focusses our attention on v.5 and reflects on the notion of the Christian as an ‘athlete’ with a particular focus on the virtue of discipline. What does this metaphor reveal to us about the nature of the Christian? And more importantly, what does it reveal to us about Jesus?

Soldier Athlete, Farmer: Part 1

by Chad Mansbridge. Drawing from 2 Timothy 2:1—10, Chad takes Paul’s famous departing words of exhortation to his son Timothy and begins a new mini-series called ‘Soldier, Athlete, Famer’. In Part 1, discover what the metaphor of a soldier reveals about Jesus, Others and You!