Better Together: Ephesians 6: The Armour Of God

By Lianne Perry. Considering the locational placement of the armour God supplies & how the pieces symbolise our new nature in Jesus, Lianne relates how this equips us to stand against the devil's schemes & pray with confidence and faith for each other. Key text: Ephesians 5:21 - 6:24, specifically 6:11, 13, 18

Better Together: Ephes 4-5: Being Ambassadors for Jesus

By Rob Moores. Rob takes us through what it means to be an ambassador for Jesus in our community, not getting distracted by worldly things, but being filled with God’s love and the Holy Spirit and showing that love and having an explanation of who God is to those around us. Key texts: Ephes 4.20 - 5.17, John 14.34-35

Better Together : Gifts

By Steve Potter. Steve gives us an overview of the church at Ephesus and Paul’s journey from Jerusalem to Ephesus. Steve talked about the amazing impact the Ephesian church had and how it had changed the whole climate of the region. They did this through the power of the Holy Spirit, and Steve takes us through how the Holy Spirited gifted the Ephesian church and how He gifts us today and challenges us to see God working in and through us. Key texts: Ephesians 4:1-16, Acts 19:10-27, Romans 8:19.

Better Together: Mysterious plan revealed - Us and Jesus

by Caleb WheatleyGod's secret plan revealed! His love for us now means that we get to have access to God's resources as we share and live out the Gospel in our community. As we continue to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus our “first love” more of his goodness is revealed and works its way out through the local Church. Key texts; Eph 3v7-10; Rev 2v3; Eph 3v14-19

Better Together: Ephesians 2 - A Reconciled Community

by Chad Mansbridge. Ephesians 2 contains some of this epistle's most beloved one-liners, but there's far more to it than that! It is here that Paul explains how the work of Christ brought together two of the most divided cultural groups of his day—Jew and Gentile. In this message, Chad helps us to appreciate various aspects of the culture of biblical times, before encouraging us to see the church today as God's reconciled, and reconciling, community. Key texts: Ephesians 2:1–22; Galatians 3:26–28.

Better Together: God's plans for our adoption

by Brooke Wheatley. Following on from the exciting prophetic voices over the last couple of weeks, join Brooke as we launch a new series on Ephesians//Better Together. From our chapter today we delve into the woven theme of God's plans for our adoption from the very beginning of time! He predestined for us to walk with Him and be part of a bigger spiritual family because we are Better Together in God's house! Key Scripture includes Ephesians 1.