by Caleb Wheatley

The Bible says that God is everywhere, a thought like this is worth thinking about and pondering on; as we do , we will discover that he is not only everywhere at the same time, but also he is closer than we sometimes think.

Key Scriptures: Psalms 139:7-10, Colossians 1:17, Job 33:4, 34:15, Chronicles 2:6, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Isaiah 41:10


The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

By Ryan Rufus.

What is this story really about? What impact should it have on us? What is the message God is wanting us to see? This message carries and impartation of grace and freedom.


Key scriptures: Luke 7:36-50. Mark 14: 3-9.

The BIGness of God.

By: Caleb Wheatley

How often do we take some time to stop, think, ponder or chew on the bigness of God. How often do we stop, think or ponder on the fact that he is almighty. It is often a line we throw out there without much weight. But the truth and the sheer size of the thought is so much more amazing than we can even imagine. The Omnipotence of God truly is “something to think about”

Key Texts:  Psalms 34:1, 51:6, 89:8-13, 145Matthew 19:26, Hebrews 11:3, Job 38:4-7, 42:2, Isaiah 14:26-27, 40:28, 43:13, 


You are a builder

By Brooke Wheatley

Join us as Brooke takes us through the promises, the favour and the journey of Bayside church and revisits some of the early prophecy regarding Bayside.

Key Texts: Matthew 16:13-20, Zechariah 8:1-17, Ezra 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-16


Certain in uncertain times

By: Caleb Wheatley

This I am certain of. That God has given us all we need to have peace as external events happen in this world. Let us never forget who is on the throne. If you find yourself feeling worried by events or happenings that are going on around you, be encouraged that it is all a part of God's big picture plan.

Scriptures: Acts 20:22-24, Micah 5:2,4, Isaiah 7:14, Mathew 24:4, Eph 1:20